Sciatica is COMMON
Lets get right to it!
What is sciatica? Why is it bothering me? Is there any sort of relief?!!!
Sciatica is quite common- 40% of people struggle with sciatic issues at some point In their lives, claims the Cleveland clinic’s analysis.
It is COMMON and not the end of quality movement for you.
Sciatica is referring to the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back all the way down the legs. Sciatica occurs when the nerve has pressure on it. Whether that be a herniated or degenerative disc, bone spur along the spine, or spinal stenosis, the nerve is being compressed and thats what leads to the inflammation/discomfort. The best thing about sciatica is that it can be resolved without operation! However, it does take some time and patience to work through.
The inflammation and discomfort caused from sciatica can be different for each individual case. The pain generally follows the pathway of the nerve from the low back down the leg, the most common sign of sciatica. Pains can reach a variety of sensations- from mild aches to burning or sharp pains. Common feelings may also be an electric shock or jolt down the leg (still the same pathway of the nerve). The sciatic nerve does run down both side of the leg but it’s quite uncommon for both to be inflamed at the same time- most cases are down a single leg.
So, what causes the sciatic to be triggered and to start screaming at you? We now know the source of the issue is something started from the lumbar spine/hip, but what triggers the sciatica to really flare up?
Well this is the part that gets shifty for most. What aggravates sciatica is going to be different for everyone But the relief route is virtually the same. Some people get flare ups from simple tasks: feeding the dogs, bending to unload a dishwasher, sitting in a car for long bouts. Some people only get flare ups when the nerve has been exhausted- heavy workouts, strenuous hikes.
For most people, here’s where I start when it comes to finding relief and recovery.
Stretching and mobility.
If we can loosen up the hamstrings, glute muscles and the lumbar (tight erectors) we can really mitigate how that sciatica gets activated.
Here are some movements that can hopefully help alleviate some stress in that region:
Knee to chest pull - progression would be double knee to chest
Any hamstring stretch, standing or seated, feet down or elevated. What we want with this is to extend through the hips, not just bend over. Glute needs to be active with the hamstring during the stretch.
90/90’s, shin boxes, many names for these. If you’re a client of mine you know exactly what I’m talking about!
Glute bridges- make sure hips are being elevated and glute is being activated well.
Strength training and aerobic work can be really effective as well to help strengthen and allow the region to stay warm/loose. However, if not done safely and at a steady pace you could easily aggrevate the region. Slow and steady is going to win this race. Lots of patience and persistence.
Sciatica is something that can stay at bay for days, weeks, or months and never feel a flare up. everyone is different and everyone seems to benefit from variations of all the remedies.
There is no quick fix. There is no magic pill. Patience, effort, and stay the course. If you’re suffering from a sciatic irritation just know that you can live pain free. You can.
