Fitness Concepts and Principles
I am a simple dude in an industry full of overhyped and not so simple terms.
Health and fitness can be complicated, for many it shouldn't be.
Eat better and stay active.
Keep it simple. Start basic.
For some reason people have complicated exercises, concepts and the principles of them.
Giving them fancy names, doing what's popular on social media and not putting emphasis on value and efficiency.
So here I am, wanting to keep things simple for you folks. Lets break down some of the principles and concepts of training.
I think this can be helpful to clear up some of the popular terms we see all over the internet and headlines.
1. Functional V Traditional Training
This is one that gets my blood boiling often, but it can be tricky. All movements are functional it just depends for what purpose you are doing the exercise. Functional training is the idea of improving ability to perform a persons respective activities or daily life. What is functional for one person may not be for someone else. Heavy explosive training is functional for athletes. Standing wall push ups are functional for elderly. Functional training should be based on how it translates into helping your every day life.
Traditional training isn't as open of a topic. This training for the most part uses 1 or two muscles mainly at a time and is quite general. Looking to grain stronger leaner muscle, maybe a beginner and trying to start working out. Traditional routines and approach are probably the best starting spot. Traditional exercises are good and most people can go slowly while developing from day 1.Tradtional training can be functional, but only when its applied to someone's routines appropriately.
2. Flexibility V Stretching
Another confusing two terms that get thrown around. They do work in unison- Stretching is part of a flexibility program. Flexibility helps with movement be more efficient. Most people stretch prior or post workout with no real idea of flexibility in mind. Flexibility is specific to the joints. Stretching inherently helps flexibility, but there's multiple types of stretching. Static- where there's ultimately no movements, just holds. Dynamic where there's movement involved. Flexibility and stretching are not the same thing, but they do work together.
3. Muscle Strength V Muscle Endurance
Strength is the ability to exert tension for a single moment (1 rep max, one rep determining someone max strength). Endurance is the amount of resistance a person can press repeatedly. NFPT states "There are no set criteria for how many reps constitutes endurance vs. strength, but over 10 is a good gauge." In my opinion, if a new exercise is very hard for you, it's strength work until you develop the ability to transition to endurance sets (high reps ranges).
4. F.I.T.T. Principle
(F) Frequency
(I) Intensity
(T) Time (duration)
(T) Type of exercise involved
An acronym used to help remember the components to an exercise program. No matter the program, these principles are true. The way you train, according to the F.I.T.T. components, will determine the improvements you gain. Work often, work hard, do multiple rounds, be specific with what you choose in your program.
5. Progressive Adaptation Principle
This principle is the basic idea of progressive overload. Not letting your body adapt and to keep challenging it. According to NFPT, "in order to get an improvement in performance or conditioning you have to push the particular system beyond its current capacity." However, if too much overload is placed on the body, injury is likely to occur. The overload should be significant enough that you're approaching your physical threshold. That's where your gains and progress are made. The overload should not be back breaking!!!