7 Primary Movement Patterns
There are 7 main movement patterns that our bodies utilize and use on a daily basis. Movements begin developing shortly after birth and we never stop depending on them our entire lives. These patterns are learnt and redefined/developed throughout our lives. Given the patterns are the root of what we do and how we move, improper movement patterns can end up being quite detrimental. Unfortunately, that's a main problem, most people's alignment and movements are out of whack and don't know it.
Many times we ignore the small nagging problems which tend to be signs of greater issues present or to come. Things may feel all right, we can shake off some minor day to day pains but is this really the smartest idea? Is not correcting these small nagging pains with proper movement not worth it? Correcting these movements can and will help your body start functioning properly, will help avoid trouble and issues down the line. Basic movements shouldn't feel tough and they certainly shouldn't be increasingly tough.
Are certain changes, troubles, pains a result of age? Getting older, wear and tear on the body or is that idea a mistake? Can you help improve your body, strengthen it, and develop proper movements with appropriate training? Training movement patterns is best way to prepare for each and every day. If you're preparing for a bodybuilding competition movements like curls are a great addition to your routine and beneficial. If you're training for life, for being strong and functioning, than training movement patterns is the way to go.
What are the movement patterns?
1. Squat
2. Hinge
3. Lunge
4. Push
5. Pull
6. Twist
7. Gait
Squat: A movement pattern that's comparable to sitting down and stranding up. A squat utilizes the muscles of the hips and thighs. The squat foundation is a great/important position for many performance related movements. Ex. Goblet squats, barbell squats, basic body squats
Hinge: Also known as bending over, using muscles from the hips and through stabilizers from the spine. Hinge movements are very important for lifting anything properly. Ex. kettle bell deadlift, dumbbell clean and press.
Lunge: The lunge is a movement that brings all the lower body together. Incorporates skill for coordination, balance and strength. This movements activates every portion of the leg and attributes to dynamic leg strength. Ex. Step ups, forward lunges, lateral lunges, walking lunges
Push: Upper body movement that's moving objects/resistance away from the body in various direction. Depending on the activity, chest, shoulder and triceps will be included to push/press. Ex. overhead presses, push ups, dumbbell presses.
Pull: Upper body’s ability to pull anything towards the body from all directions. Ex. opening doors, pulls ups, weighted pull down, TRX body rows
Twists/rotate: Movements that are produced by torso, engaging core/abdomen. Ex. reaching for something, throwing, boxing
Gait: Walk, jog, sprint! All things that if you develop the first six movements you'll be more likely to enjoy all exercises and movement all together. Walking and basic mobility is such a fundamental part of our daily lives.
"You may not have realized the importance of getting them right and the harm in getting them wrong. Movement is an inherent gift and shouldn’t be painful or difficult. With consistent practice, these seven patterns can keep your body tuned up, out of pain, and leave you feeling more confident than ever." - Primal 7