Yoga + Benefits for your BodyYoga, we've all heard of it. What is it? What's the purpose? Well, we're about to find out! Yoga is a discipline, an ancient practice and...
Versus Series Part 3: Machines V Free WeightsHere we are, back with another common concern when you get into the gym for a workout. Machines or Free weights?!?!?! Where to start?...
Versus Series Pt 2: Cardio Pre V Post WorkoutSome of the most common and debatable fitness topics I come across are cardio related. How many days a week? How long should each session...
Versus Series: High V Low Reps**This is applicable for both men and women. Stop believing that there are different workouts or supplements geared towards gender-...
Don't Let the Holidays Win!The holiday season is always a fun, festive, easy time to enjoy yourself and over indulge-lets be real with that. Don't think you're the...
Benefits to Battle RopesBATTLE ROPES! We all see them everywhere but the truth is they aren't a new trend at all. Ropes have been around for quite some time now,...
Quit forgetting to STRETCH!If you've ever been a client of mine, you know that I finish every session by saying the same thing. 1. Drink water 2. Get some good food...
5 Great Nutritious AdditionsI get a lot of clients asking me what are some of the different things I use to cook with and add variety to my meals and snacks. I...
Winners Focus on WinningAs I've made strides in my business and growth in my field I've learned that in order to find some success there must be constants. The...
Exercise and Mental HealthToo many people think they've got to be a gym rat or a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits that come along with exercising on a regular...